《On-chip Optics: Promising Advanced Device to Systems Level Solutions》讲座通知


主讲人:Muhammad Qasim Mehmood
主讲时间:2023-12-28 15:00:00
主讲人简介:Mehmood博士现为旁遮普信息技术大学副教授。旁遮普信息技术大学是一所享誉世界的研究型高校,其电子信息和计算机科学方向在巴基斯坦名列第一。Mehmood博士的物理思想丰富,在光电科学与工程、微纳光子学等方面享有国际声誉,是IEEE高级会员(IEEE Senior Member)。长期主持多项巴基斯坦国家科学基金。Mehmood博士毕业于新加坡国立大学。新加坡国立大学在2023年QS全球大学排名中位列第11名,亚洲排名第1;其在新加坡材料研究工程研究所和新加坡国立大学自旋能源实验室获得了丰富的纳米制造经验,在巴基斯坦旁遮普信息技术大学是纳米技术研究实验室的负责人,电子与电气工程系的系主任,为纳米技术实验室在短时间内赢得了高影响力和高质量研究等显著声誉。Mehmood博士至今在国际权高质量期刊发表学术论文89篇,论文被引4100多次,其中有多篇为物理类高水平期刊,如Advanced Optical Materials(4篇)、Nano Letters (1篇)、Photonics Research( 1篇)、Nanoscale (2篇)、Physical Review B(1篇)等。出版学术专著1部。
主讲内容:Reducing the footprint of conventional optical devices/systems is inevitable to meet the ever-growing demands of compactness, high efficiency, and better performance. Metasurfaces-based devices promise an enormous potential to realize futuristic and efficient ultra-compact optical systems by bringing their footprint to the chip scale. They offer better functionality with ultra-compactness, making them feasible for on-chip integration. The recent establishment of companies like Metalenz (https://metalenz.com/) is evidence of the industrial acceptance of these meta-devices. However, the mass-scale adoption of metadevices will require efficient design procedures (in terms of time and cost), real-time tunability, and the capability of integrating multiple functionalities into a single chip (for an advanced level of compactness), etc. The talk will cover the latest trends in the design and development of state-of-the-art metadevices and meta-optical systems. The speaker will present a few of his highlighted works along these lines and explain the design strategies to achieve the next level of multi-functionality and tunability. He will also explain the real-time utility of such metadevices for bioimaging and biosensing.

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